Gratitude reciprocates and giving evokes more gratitude. No matter if you are on the giving or receiving end they are both essential for happiness, health and social bonds. That is why on our way to the throne, we consistently explore new ways in which we can give back to our community and make the world a better place. Meme Kong is dedicated to supporting and serving independent causes within the community. Are you ready to be part of the “Meme Kong Serve Strong” team where we are blessed to be a blessing to others.

Meme Kong founder Chris Thomann donated Ethereum to a young man named Emmanuel from Nigeria. In an amazing act of kindness he used the money to buy books and rice to the women of his village.

Meme Kong made a generous donation through one of our ambassadors and Afro-Pop singer Victoria Kimani. This helped Father’s House Children’s Home fix their refrigerator, buy a PlayStation and put food on the table for the kids.